School attendance plays a critical role in enhancing the lives of children and young people. Every day of attendance adds to a student's opportunity to learn, develop and experience success in education. There is no safe number of days for missing school. If a student misses as little as four days each term they will have missed over a year of learning, by the end of their schooling.
At St Matthews, we always want to work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children at school.
For your reference, I have included some detailed information in this newsletter that outlines the compulsory attendance requirements from the New South Wales Department of Education that also apply to Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst schools and are, therefore, your responsibilities to be aware of as a parent or carer.
If you have any questions about these requirements or are concerned about your own child’s attendance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a conversation.
God bless
Angela Myles | Executive Principal
What are my legal responsibilities?
Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age. The Education Act 1990 requires that parents ensure their children of compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or, are registered with the New South Wales Education Standards Authority for homeschooling. Once enrolled, children are required to attend school each day it is open for students.
What age can my child leave school?
Students must complete Year 10 or its equivalent and after Year 10 until they reach 17 years of age students must be:
- in school or registered for home schooling, or
- in approved education or training (e.g. TAFE, traineeship, apprenticeship)
- in full-time, paid employment (average 25 hours per week) or in a combination of work, education and/or training
What if my child has to be away from school?
On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for
student absences may include:
- being sick, or having an infectious disease
- having an unavoidable medical appointment
- being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
- exceptional or urgent family circumstance e.g. attending a funeral.
Following an absence from school you must ensure that within 7 days you provide your child’s school with a verbal or written explanation for the absence. However, if the school has not received an explanation from you within 2 days, the school may contact you to discuss the absence. Principals may decline to accept an explanation that you have provided if they do not believe the absence is in the best interest of your child. In these circumstances your child’s absence would be recorded as unjustified. When this happens the principal will discuss their decision with you and the reasons why.
Principals may request medical certificates or other documentation when frequent or long term absences are explained as being due to illness. Principals may also seek parental permission to speak with medical specialists to obtain information to collaboratively develop a health care plan to support your child. If the request is denied, the principal can record the absences as unjustified.
Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, you should discuss this with your child’s School Principal. An Application for Extended Leave may need to be completed. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for the year.
In some circumstances students may be asked to enrol in distance education for travel periods over 50 school days. This should be discussed with your child’s School Principal.
The importance of arriving on time
Arriving at school and class on time
- ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day
- helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine
- gives students time to greet their friends before class
- reduces classroom disruption.
Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.
What should I do if my child won’t go to school?
You should contact the principal as soon as possible to discuss the issue and ask for help.
Strategies to help improve attendance may include:
- An attendance planning meeting with you and your child to develop a student attendance plan.
- A referral to the school’s learning and support team
- The Principal seeking further support from the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Attendance Officer.
What if my child continues to have unsatisfactory attendance?
Where children of compulsory school age have recurring numbers of unexplained or unjustified absences from school you may be asked, along with your child, to attend a Compulsory Schooling Conference. The conference run by a Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst trained convenor, aims to help the school, parents and other agencies to further identify the supports your child may need to have in place so they attend school regularly. The school, parents and agencies will work together to develop an agreed plan (known as Undertakings) to support your child’s attendance at school.
If previous attempts to resolve the issue are not successful the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst may be required to refer the matter to the NSW Department of Education on behalf of the State Minister for Education to take further action. These actions may include:
- Application to the Children’s Court - Compulsory Schooling Order
If your child’s attendance at school remains unsatisfactory the Department may apply
to the Children’s Court for a Compulsory Schooling Order. The Children’s Court
magistrate may order a Compulsory Schooling Conference to be convened.
- School and Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst staff remain committed to working in partnership with you to address the issues which are preventing your child’s full participation at school. In circumstances where a breach of compulsory schooling orders occurs further action may be taken against a parent in the Local Court. The result of court action can be the imposition of a community service order or a fine.
Can my child be exempted from attending school?
Exemption from school attendance may be granted when it has been clearly demonstrated that it is in your child’s best interests to be exempted from the legal requirement to attend school. There are few circumstances that would warrant an exemption. Parents must apply to the principal for an exemption who will consider your application. A Certificate of Exemption may be granted subject to conditions and limited to a period specified in the certificate.