Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
Mission and Values
In partnership with the family, parish and community, our schools nurture a relationship with God in Christ Jesus, celebrate and share the Catholic faith, and educate to enable all to make a positive contribution to the world.
We are therefore committed to:
- a safe, inclusive and professional learning environment
- just and right relationships that recognise and respect the dignity of each individual
- recognition of the diverse needs of learners
- the use of a variety of methods, technologies, and techniques to enhance learning and teaching
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the agreed practices at Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst (CEDB) in relation to Student Acceptable Use of Technology.
This policy informs parents and students of CEDB and school’s expectations when students are using devices and services provided by CEDB at school, at home, or any time they are using them. The use of devices and services are provided to support students and staff in educational and administration areas. As such CEDB acknowledges that it has a responsibility to provide safe and secure online services.
It is expected that all staff, community and students at CEDB and in CEDB schools will adhere to the scope and procedures outlined in this document as these are the agreed practices of the CEDB. A local policy is not required. It is expected that schools will develop and clarify their school specific practices.
CEDB Responsibilities:
- provide a filtered internet service which acknowledges that full protection from inappropriate content can never be guaranteed
- support the safe and responsible use of Technology in schools
CEDB reserves the right to capture, store and review all online activity and content created or accessed via school provided services. Such material is the property of the school and CEDB. School owned or personal devices may be accessed where there is a reasonable belief that:
- there has been or may be a breach of the school rules or policy
- there may be a threat of harm to a student or others or system
Principal Responsibilities:
- ensure all staff are trained in the importance of digital citizenship, online privacy, intellectual property and copyright
- establish clear protocols and procedures when working in online spaces including reviewing and considering the safety and appropriateness of online tools and communities
- respond to issues or incidents that have the potential to impact student wellbeing including those reported through online services (support is offered by CEDB to assist with reporting requirements)
- ensure all staff and students are aware of and adhere to the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
- ensure Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement is completed annually by students and parents
- develop and implement school specific procedures to ensure adherence to the Policy and the recording of breaches of this policy
- provide students and parents with clear information regarding Acceptable Use of Technology and the consequences of non-adherence.
Staff Responsibilities:
- maintain a contemporary knowledge of digital citizenship
- be aware of and adhere to the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
- ensure students use technology only after agreeing to the Policy
- implement school procedures and adherence to the Policy
- supervise and support students when using digital technologies within the classroom
- not share their CEDB accounts and details with others
- behave in a legal, professional and ethical manner when using digital devices
- alert the Principal or supervisor if there is cause for concern related to the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
- instruct students on correct ways to handle ICT devices and associated peripherals (such as power cords and carry cases)
- only interact with students on social media networks in the context of a formal learning exercise for which parents have previously given
- only use approved communication channels when communicating regarding
Student Responsibilities:
- understand and adhere to the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy and related school procedures
- sign the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement annually
- inform a teacher or a trusted adult if there is cause for concern related to the Policy
- handle ICT devices appropriately and with care and notifying a teacher of any damage or required attention
- keep devices safe and secure from damage
- only use the Internet within the CEDB provided filtering system at school
- not share their personal accounts and details with others
- behave in an ethical manner when using digital devices
- ensure interaction on social media networks at school is in the context of a formal learning exercise
- report lost or stolen devices and immediately change passwords
- adhere to school BYOD Policy and
Students whose actions contradict this policy will be subject to the school’s Pastoral Care and Student Welfare and Discipline and Anti-Bullying Policies. This may include the withdrawal of access to services. Unacceptable material will be supplied to the NSW Police and/or other relevant agency (e.g. Family & Community Services etc). Complaints of unacceptable use of technology by students to harass, bully, intimidate, or discriminate against other students, may also be referred to the Police, Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner and/or Office of Children’s Guardian and/or FACS.
Parent Responsibilities:
- discuss the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement with their child/ren and ensure they understand the scope of the agreed practices
- sign the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement annually
- inform the Principal, executive staff or a staff member if there is cause for concern related to the Policy or Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.
Definitions and Key Policy Items
Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement: A signed agreement between the student, parent and school about behaviour deemed appropriate whilst using CEDB devices and/or services.
BYOD/BYODD/BYOT: Bring Your Own Device (Designated Device or Technology) is a program whereby students are permitted to bring their own technology to school to participate and complete school assigned learning tasks. Please refer to the schools BYO Policy and Procedures.
Copyright: material users want to distribute or copy may be subject to copyright. This includes files users may wish to download, such as images, cartoons and music. Copyright material owned by other people must not be distributed or copied without the permission of the copyright owner, unless authorized. Please refer to Smartcopying website for the specific requirements.
Devices and Services: These include but are not limited to:
- personal and school owned devices (e.g. desktops, laptops, tablets, printers, scanners, cameras)
- mobile phones and student owned devices
- email and messaging services
- physical and cloud based storage (e.g. USB hard drives, memory cards, Google Drive, iCloud)
- internet, intranet
- social media sites (e.g. Facebook)
- video and photo sharing websites (e.g. YouTube)
- blogs or micro-blogs (e.g. Twitter)
- forums, discussion boards and groups (e.g. Google groups)
- wikis (e.g. Wikipedia)
- vod and podcasts
- video conferences and web conferences
- software and software subscriptions
Educational Platforms: are an integrated set of interactive online services that provide the teachers, students, parents and/or others involved in education with information, tools and resources to support and enhance educational activities.
Email and Messaging: is the technologies and infrastructure used to transfer messages, including email, instant messaging and peer-to-peer file exchange;
- email is a tool for communications
- users have a responsibility to use in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner
- email is inherently not secure, and sensitive or confidential material should not be sent through the electronic mail system unless it is encrypted
- all hardware, software, files/documents, email attachments and messages, email and Internet accounts maintained on the school or CEDB systems are the property of
ICT: Information and Communication Technologies are a diverse set of technology tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage online information.
Intellectual Property: all email, work, images and documentation created by students as part of their educational work is subject to ownership and copyright. Users must not infringe the intellectual property rights of other people.
Internet: a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. The internet is an open network and is inherently not secure. Internet connectivity is provided for business and educational purposes, which users have a responsibility to use in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner.
Media: are methods of mass communication and include visual, print, and electronic media. Examples might include but are not limited to films, DVDs, videos, games, YouTube, Images, Memes, ClickView, Ebooks etc. These are to be closely monitored and approved by the Principal to ensure that:
- copyright laws are observed
- material rated PG selected for viewing is suitable for the age of the students
- material rated ‘R’ is not to be shown to students under any circumstances
- material rated ‘M’ or ‘MA’ is only viewed after parents have been advised in writing and have had the opportunity to withdraw their child from the viewing
- materials are previewed by teachers prior to use and consider the suitability of the material in the educational and Catholic school context and the age and maturity of the intended
Monitoring: the content and usage of devices and services may be examined by the CEDB or by an authorised third party on CEDB’s behalf.
Parental consent: is granted annually for students to use CEDB and school devices and services through the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.
Privacy: must be considered in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act (1988).
School Owned Technology: This refers to items of technology which are purchased and maintained by the school or CEDB.
Technology: In the context of this policy, technology encompasses; Devices, Services and all connected networks managed or maintained by CEDB.
Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner ( is a Government driven initiative for online safety with the aim to help guide children and young people toward safe, enjoyable experiences online. The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner encourages behavioural change where Australian children and young people act responsibly online, just as they would offline.
Stay Smartonline is an Australian Government cyber security website that provides information for Australian internet users on simple steps that can be taken to protect their personal and financial information online. Its Digital Citizenship education program for Years 3-8 Budd:e provides activity lessons on cybersafety and includes games, videos, FAQs, learning outcomes and curriculum mapping.
ThinkUKnow is an internet safety program developed and delivered by the Australian Federal Police. It provides training and resources to parents, schools and other community organisations across Australia. Its Digital Citizenship education program provides three modules for early childhood, primary and secondary students.
Bullying No Way! is a website supported by the Australian Government and the Principals' Associations. It provides information and resources for students, parents and teachers as well as a gateway to the other Digital Citizenship education programs.
eSmart an initiative of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, is an initiative designed to improve cybersafety and deal with cyberbullying and bullying.
ACMA the Australian Communications and Media Authority
Smartcopying provides an overview of the rights of access to and use of creative works such as text, artistic works, music, computer programs, sound recordings and films as contained in the Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968 (Copyright Act).
Related Policies and Guidelines
Professional Conduct in the Protection of Children and Young People Cathlic Education Commission now Catholic Schools New South Wales ratified by Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst
NCEC and AIS Privacy Compliance Manual 2018
Risk of Significant Harm Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Allegations Against Employees Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Student Welfare Policy School
Complaints and Grievances Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Copyright Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst
Staff Discipline Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Privacy Policy Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst
NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
NSW Minors (Property and Contracts) Act 1970
Commonwealth Privacy Act, 1988 and Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (the
Privacy Reform Act)
Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968 and Copyright (Digital Agenda) Act, 2000 also 2006 Amendments. Also 2015 Anti-Piracy Amendments
Commonwealth Online Safety for Children Act 2015
NSW Crimes Act, 1900
Commonwealth National Safe Schools Framework, revised framework 2011
Commonwealth Telecommunications Act 1997
Policy Administration
This policy has been ratified by the Executive Director of Schools and will be reviewed periodically, or in the event of any information or incident that indicates the need for a review, or following relevant legislative or organisational change.